Our Mission

To prepare our children to create opportunities, solutions and be Leaders in our communities using science, technology, engineering and math.

School Pledge

In the name of (Allah)God the Beneficent, the Merciful Let us give praise to (Allah)God for his love, mercy and blessings upon us. For giving to us a flag that represents the Universe – the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. It also means that we are freed justified and made equal to all mankind. 

Student Pledge

I will strive to…Attend school daily. Complete assignments and return homework on time to the teacher. Show respect for people, property and myself. Accept responsibility for my own actions. Make an effort to do my best to learn. Resolve conflicts peacefully.

Core Beliefs

- in independent education. - That the Mother is the 1st Teacher. 
-In teaching our children what they need in order to solve the problems in our community
-That our children are brilliant and are great thinkers.
-That Fathers and Mothers are responsible for our children first! 
-That the school is the secondary home 
-That we struggle in our community and are torn between what to actually do with our children and how to do it. 
-Learning takes place EVERYWHERE! 

Our Statement

We are a family of learners dedicated to nurturing a strong sense of self among all students, staff, family, and community members. When we have a strong sense of self: We respect fellow human beings, our earth, and ourselves. We value our differences and our connections. We have the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in and contribute to our community, country, and the family of nations. We believe in and have hope for the future.